Compass Cohousing Life in the Heart of Community

Discover a special way of living that combines the best of community living with private residences. Attend the Compass Cohousing info session to learn more.

About the Info Session

Compass Cohousing is pleased to offer an online Information Session for the Cohousing-curious. Join us live on Zoom to get all the details you need about this style of community living.

Just complete and submit the form on this page, and make sure to put a checkmark in the Info Session box. You will receive instructions by email for the next scheduled Info Session.

(Feel free to check more topics if you want!)

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You’ll Learn:

  • 1
    What Cohousing is… and what it’s not.
  • 2
    Why Cohousing a great fit for young parents, singles, seniors and anyone else who wants to have a real community that cares about them.
  • 3
    The details about Compass Cohousing in the heart of Langley, BC.
  • 4
    How to get involved if you’re looking for a new and fulfilling place to both raise your kids, enjoy the company of other folks and even age-in-place.
* indicates required
Enter your phone number, including the country code, in this format: 16041234567
Communication Preferences *
Tell us what you want. Go ahead and choose more than one!