[Editor’s Note: This is a copy of our regular community newsletter. If you’d like to sign up, complete our communications form.]

May the luck of the Irish be with you!

I’ve lived in the Vancouver area most of my life. I was born here, I went to school here and I’m raising my kids here too.

It’s a beautiful place to live. There is so much to see and explore. You can experience the city, the empty beach or pure farming country in just a few hours’ drive.

And it makes sense why, among other reasons, the real estate is so expensive here. And going up so fast. The more people want to move to a place, the higher the house prices will go. The only long-term way to slow that down is to build more houses.

That’s easier said than done, of course. And, in our own small way, we’re helping by converting land with one home on it into 40 here in Langley.

People sometimes ask if Compass will be cheaper or more expensive than what’s comparable around it.

The answer is… maybe.

On the one hand, we’re not out to make a profit. So the 15-20% a developer would take goes right back into our pockets.

But on the other, we have so much nicer amenities than many other developments. You know about the dedicated children’s room, adult lounge, music room, multiple BBQs, guest rooms, co-working space and so much more…

That all costs a bit more money. We’re a more premium project for sure.

So most likely, we’ll end up at market value plus or minus a few percent.

But – and this is important – cohousing is not just about the money. It’s not for people who are “just” looking for a place to live as it were any other old development. It’s for people who want to live in a way that brings community together, allows resources to be shared and just generally makes life richer.

Yes, you’re very likely to have a lower cost of living thanks to our ability to share things from Internet to hot water. But it’s the community that’s priceless for the right people.

One of those “right people” is Chris.

He joined Compass late last year and has been a real pleasure to have in our cohousing family. Here’s an article that will appear in three of the local papers this coming week

Thanks so much to Chris for sharing his story.

Why not make your story part of ours?

You get this newsletter because you expressed interest at some point in our project. Maybe it was a while ago, maybe it was last week.

Why not check to see if it’s right for you one way or the other?

That starts with a free info session. It’s the best way to learn about cohousing in general and Compass specifically.

As usual, by Zoom from the comfort of your own home.

Registering is really easy. Just head to the site here.

And that’s all for me. I’m off to pick up some Irish Whiskey (with an ‘e’). After all, St. Paddy’s Day is just around the corner. Sláinte!