Compass Cohousing is now a landowner

Great news! We are expanding our horizons with a thrilling new land purchase – let’s shape our future together!

Just purchased: 6644 203 Street, Langley BC

We have designed a 40-unit mix of condos and townhouses in central Langley. Construction begins soon on the corner of 203rd Street and 66th Avenue. We are thrilled to have reached this milestone!

~ AND ~

We have built friendships, supported one another in personal losses, and celebrated the good times at potlucks, game nights, pool parties, and picnics.

Are you ready to be part of this exciting community housing development?

Join us at the next virtual Info Session to learn more.

It started five years ago

In September 2019, Compass Cohousing Ltd. signed an agreement with the Township of Langley that gave us the ability to buy land for Compass Commons. It’s hard to believe that was almost five years ago!

And now?

The purchase transaction for a 1.32-acre parcel of land happened on March 18, 2024! Compass Cohousing Ltd. is now a proud owner of the vacant lot at 6644 203 Street, Langley, BC.

What happened in the five years in between?

There was a roller coaster of emotions: hope, anxiety, fear, doubt, relief, optimism, excitement, and euphoria!

There was a parade of professionals: architects, engineers, environmental consultants, landscape experts, lawyers, financiers, construction companies, municipal employees & councillors, and a Project Manager!

There was a carnival of lay people: trades, social workers, retirees, teachers, and Compass members with legal expertise and business acumen enough to master being both a land developer and a home buyer.

And especially, there was a cadre of passionate people who share a dream of living privately in a supportive multi-generational community.

Family is everything ~ Cohousing is everything else

Check out the FAQs to learn more about cohousing in general, and Compass Cohousing in particular.