[Editor’s Note: This is a copy of our regular community newsletter. If you’d like to sign up, fill out our communications form.]
I’ve got something exciting for you today…
The modern idea of cohousing started in Denmark in the 60s. The goal was to help bring back a “village lifestyle” to people who were sick of living in cities and suburbs without much community.
Some years later, an American architect named Charles Durrett heard about it. He visited multiple communities and figured out what made them work.
He then brought the concept back to North America with the opening of the first American cohousing community back in 1991.
Since then, his firm has helped design more than 50 communities… including helping with our very own Compass Cohousing.
Needless to say, when it comes to understanding this model, there’s no one better than Chuck to explain it. You could call him the grandpapa of North American cohousing!
And that’s why I’m writing…
Because Chuck is coming to Langley!
He’ll be popping by Willoughby Community Hall to talk about cohousing on June 15th… and not just some dry presentation… he’ll tell you what it’s like to live in cohousing… from his own experience living in and working with so many cohousing communities over so many years.
Among other things, you’ll hear about:
- Help with Childcare, Free Cooking… Why Cohousing is great for young parents struggling to raise kids on their own.
- How to Avoid the Dreaded “Single Tax”… Because they can’t share the load, singles on their own pay more than couples to maintain the same standard of living… It’s so much different for singles in cohousing… you can pool your resources with other members to enjoy a better quality of living, while paying less (sometimes A LOT less) on regular bills… from Internet to hot water to car sharing and entertainment.
- How to Safely Age in Place… Getting older can be a scary thing… especially if you live alone without family nearby. With cohousing, you get the best of both worlds… you live on your own but with a whole community to support you when you need it.
Best of all, it’s free.
To register for the event, click here.
Just one thing…
Chuck once came to speak to our group almost four years ago… before we had any land… or drawings… or many members at all.
Even so, more than 100 people showed up… and we nearly had to turn a few away.
So, if you’re interested, please reserve your place now. That way, you can ensure room for you. And it makes it easier for us to plan.
Here are all the details:
An Evening with Charles Durrett
Renowned Cohousing Author & Architect
June 15th, 2023
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Willoughby Community Hall
20809 83rd Ave, Langley, BC
Or, if you prefer, feel free to give Michelle (604-721-1557) or Doug (778-773-2639) a call.
Hope to see you then!
PS. Honestly, I’m pretty sure this will be a one-time event. We’re getting very close to shovels in the ground – as in two more members and we’re done close. So if you have any interest in cohousing at all… and you want to hear from the fellow who introduced cohousing to North America… and you’re thinking that Compass might be for you… well, you need to make time for this.